Updated: Wednesday 12 March 2014

Vacancies announced in COWASH


The Community-Led WASH (COWASH) is a bi-lateral project financed by the Governments of Ethiopia and Finland. The Project with the head office in the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) in Addis Ababa is supporting the MoWIE, five Regions and 67 Woredas in the implementation of WASH projects by using the Community Managed Projects (CMP) financing modality. The project duration is 2011-2016. The contract period for the advertised posts is 2 years. Ramboll Finland is providing technical assistance service for the project. Ramboll Finland is seeking to recruit competent, self motivated and committed candidates for the following vacant positions in COWASH:

1)     Crosscutting Specialist (1 – Addis Ababa Based)

Specific Responsibilities

Coordinate and lead the implementation and development of crosscutting issues (gender, environment issues, climate change, water quality, community audits) in WASH, Organize evaluation of the impacts of the project at different intervals, Advice on crosscutting related matters of the One WaSH National Program, Consult/Liaise between the MoWIE, development partners, other Government offices involved in WASH both at federal and regional levels concerning crosscutting issues, Assist in the establishment of crosscutting baseline and monitoring and evaluation system within existing WASH M&E system and ensure that community management of crosscutting issues is assessed, Assist in ensuring that the gender equality and other crosscutting issues are mainstreamed into WASH intervention processes, capacity building, institutionalization, technical designs and access to resources, Develop effective and appropriate approaches, tools (e.g. social audit) and guidelines to identify and verify the impacts of the crosscutting issues of WaSH interventions, Lead the development of Supply Chain and Water Safety Planning, Ensure that crosscutting issues are incorporated in all aspects of COWASH, Record “best practices” and other cross cutting related findings to be incorporated in IEC materials of WASH and ensure the dissemination to various audiences, Assist the targeted woredas to indentify successful actors within crosscutting issues and to form joint strategies in mainstreaming crosscutting issues in community management of WASH, Conduct periodically Training of Trainers (TOT) for the project staff as well as for project implementers at regional level in crosscutting issues, Review the existing situation of cross cutting mainstreaming at woreda level and propose strategies on how to accelerate the awareness and skills development in crosscutting capacity building, Preparation of training materials for cross cutting issues, Plan and supervise the work of the Communication Officer, Relevant reporting.

Required Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor's degree in social science, rural development, agriculture, environment, water or other science with relevant discipline, Fluency in both spoken and written English and Amharic (knowledge of Tigrinya, and Oromifa is an asset), Extensive experience in training needs assessment, in planning and execution of training programs and in training of trainers, Experience in rural water supply, sanitation, water resources management, including planning, management and co-ordination positions is a strong asset, Experience in gender, environmental and climate change issues, water quality and social audit is a strong asset, Knowledge of and experience in CMP approach is a strong asset, Experience in cooperation with donor community, Experience in training of trainers, Relevant professional experience in different areas in Ethiopia is a strong asset, Excellent social skills, ability to work and communicate in an international environment and in communities of diverse cultures, Well-developed skills in skills transfer, especially skills in training of trainers is required, Computer skills (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.), good reporting skills.

2)     Communications Officer (1 – Addis Ababa Based)

Specific Responsibilities

Revise and regularly develop the CMP Communications Strategy, tools, action plans and publicity protocols for the project, Development and editing of project brochures, flyers, briefing notes, case studies, event reports, stories and the like, Editing of guidelines and documents of various forms including technical documents, Managing the preparation of short films, Liaison with mass media and WASH platforms, Development and updating of the CMP website, Create processes for obtaining up-to-date information from woredas, Ensure that information, data and links are accurate and updated on a regular basis, Solicit, edit and compile material for inclusion in Quarterly Reports and WaSH Sector Updates, Support documentation of project activities, outcomes and results in various forms, including success stories, case studies, description of best practices and lessons learned, Networking with WASH stakeholders to promote coordination of materials and communication messages and strategies, Support the process of creating a WASH sector communications strategy in close collaboration with National WaSH Coordination Office, Maintain repository of project press releases and articles, Provide training and guidance to project staff on general communications techniques and strategies, Organize internal communications workshops for the project staff, Support the design and preparation of project promotional activities within allotted budget.

Required Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Journalism or related field, Fluency in both spoken and written English and (knowledge of Tigrinya, and Oromifa is an asset), Minimum 5 years work experience in Media, Journalism, Communications, Public Relations or a related field, Skills for informative writing, Knowledge of editing work, Skills to present technical and numerical data effectively, Able to read and interpret written information, Experience in the management and updating of websites, Excellent facilitation and message delivery and dissemination skills, Ability to train and get team members contributing to communications activities, Excellent computer skills (MS Office, Adobe In design, Abode Photoshop), Good knowledge of the Ethiopian WASH sector and its key actors, Experience communicating to these WASH sector professionals at different levels (from woreda to federal) is an asset, Good understanding of cultural sensitiveness, Strong interpersonal communication skills, Able to work as a team member, Good reporting skills.


Interested candidates can submit their up-to-date and duly signed Curriculum Vitae with copies of supporting documents along with an application letter and passport size photograph, posted to Mr. Arto Suominen, Ramboll Finland P.O. Box 8650, Addis Ababa or mail it to the e-mail address: arto.suominen@gmail.com or arto.suominen@cmpethiopia.org. For background information, visit the web site: www.cmpethiopia.org. Deadline for the submission of applications is April 14, 2014. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Applications, CVs and supporting documents will not be returned. 

Vacancy announcement can be downloaded in pdf-format here: