CMP news archive

Stories from the field, partners and media about CMP implementation and scaling-up.

Ramboll got new project in Ethiopia

Developing the infrastructure in Ethiopia's capital

Ramboll (Lead consultant for COWASH Federal Technical Assistance) will work with the Ethiopian authorities to develop a strategic infrastructure plan with a focus on sustainable development in the town of Addis Ababa.

The project, funded by the World Bank, is an example of a growing demand for sustainable planning services in developing countries.

Over the past decade, Ethiopia has seen great economic growth. An annual growth rate of about 10% on average which has led to increasing purchasing power in the country, a growing middle class and more cars in the streets of the capital Addis Ababa, a city of 4.5 million inhabitants. Consequently, the city is experiencing a sharp increase in air pollution and congestion on the roads putting a brake on productivity and hampering the economic growth. 

“It is a development that authorities in Addis Ababa want to reverse. They want sustainable growth, where the country's economic development goes hand-in-hand with consideration for the environment and climate change” says Jens Chr. Helbech Hede, Senior Director in Ramboll's Transport division with responsibility for international projects.

He elaborates: "Our experts should help local authorities develop a strategic infrastructure plan across all modes of transport, so there are more sustainable and low carbon alternatives to the car, for example metros and railways”

Ramboll is lead consultant on the project and the Smart Mobility division will assist in developing a demand-based transport model and coherent plan for future infrastructure projects in the city up to 2030.  The work will be done in a consortium with two Italian companies and a local subcontractor. The Consortium will assess the travel demand patterns and transport conditions in Addis Ababa to identify transport strategies for the city of Addis, test the alternatives and identify the best solution. Citizens and other stakeholders will be consulted during the entire development process of the plan through several workshops, public information sessions and the set-up of a project website.

Rising market in developing countries

The project is a concrete example of an increasing demand for sustainable engineering services in developing countries. Citizens in developing countries are more exposed to climate change, and to address that agenda they often enter into partnerships with development banks, such as the World Bank who can assist with the funding and knowledge needed to incorporate sustainability into the development projects.

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Borehole Rehabilitation Conference

Borehole Rehabilitation Conference
AUGUST 8, 2019
Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Read more here:

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Recognising 2019 Menstrual Hygiene Management Day

Please find attached the COWASH’s Statement on the recognition of MHM day 2019

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New Post in IRC-Ethiopia

IRC-Ethiopia is seeking Research and Policy Advisor. Please download the post advertisement from here:

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Visit to Abichu Gnea Woreda

COWASH Ethiopia together with the Oromia Regional Support Unit, (RSU), hosted a successful field visit to Hanna Ojanperä, Team Leader, Horn of Africa, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. We also had the privilege to have the company of Ms. Marjaana Pekkola, Advisor, Water, Land Administration, Agricultural Growth, and Arto Valjas, Desk Officer, Trade and Development, from Embassy of Finland. We were thoroughly briefed on the Abichu Gnea WASH activities by the Woreda Officials. Read the whole story here:

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Personal Story, Bertukan

Story of Bertukan Asmamaw, COWASH Office Manager and Accountant

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Job vacancy open in IRC WASH


Interested in latrines and partnerships? IRC Ethiopia is seeking a facilitator who is passionate about sanitation

Please read more of this from here:

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Amazing news in Disability Inclusion

We like to share here a story of integration of disability inclusion into Woreda level training; a case story of Hulet Iju Enessie Woreda, Amhara region. 

COWASH Federal team is excited to hear such news from the field (woreda level) and looking forward of hearing similar news from other COWASH woredas as well. Please be active.

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Happy World Water Day 2019

2019 World Water Day Fact Sheet can be downloaded from here

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Rest In Peace Ato Mulugeta Asfaw

Farewell News on the pass away of Mulugeta Asfaw, 11 March 2019

It is with regret that we hear the tragic accident on Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302/10 March 2019. Now, it is confirmed that the accident has claimed the lives of 149 passengers and 8 crew members on board.

We, in COWASH, are very much saddened to inform you that our Regional staff, Ato. Mulugeta Asfaw, from Southern Nations and Nationalities Region, has passed away in this tragic accident.

Mulugeta was our Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in COWASH Regional Support Unit, (RSU) in Hawasa. He joined the RSU team last year as Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. He was on his way to an advanced capacity building project management training to Kenya.

Mulugeta was born and raised in Addis Ababa. By training he is an Economist and obtained his Master’s degree in Economics from Addis Ababa University.

Mulugeta is married and father of three boys.

COWASH Federal team is in deep shock and we express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives yesterday and to the family of Mulugeta in particular.

We ascertain to stand with the family in this difficult time and we once again wish rest in peace to the deceased and consolation to the family.

News of the incident is available at

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