CMP news archive

Stories from the field, partners and media about CMP implementation and scaling-up.

COWASH Project Launches Third Phase

Such projects have become especially important in light of the recent outbreak of acute watery diarrhoea

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Community involvement is key in the development of water and sanitation services in rural Ethiopia

MSc (Tech) Beshah Behailu conducted field research on rural water and sanitation services in Ethiopia and explored possible means to enhance their sustainability. His study revealed that community involvement is key when developing rural water and sanitation services.


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Tigray COWASH Conducted Annual Review and Planning Workshop

Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) project in Tigray region conducted annual review and planning workshop from 13-14 October 2016 in Mekelle, the regional capital city. The annual workshop was organized to review the 2015/16 performance and plan activities for 2016/17.

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COWASH-BG held a Performance Review and Planning workshop

Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) project in Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State organized a workshop from September 28th to October 1st 2016 in Assosa, the regional city. This was an annual workshop to review and evaluate the 2015/16 performance reports of the four COWASH districts, the two zones and the regional COWASH sector bureaus; as well as to plan activities for 2016/17. 

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Ramboll Finland Selected to Provide Technical Assistance to the Community-led Accelerated WASH Project in EthiopiaNew article

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Finland and the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity of Ethiopia (MoWIE) have selected Ramboll Finland in partnership with Niras Finland to provide technical assistance services for Phase III (2016-2019) of the Community-led Accelerated WASH (Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene) Project in Ethiopia, otherwise known as COWASH.

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Finnish MPs visited Ethiopia

A team of eight Finnish Members of Parliament (MPs) led by Mr. Mika Niikko, along with the delegation which was led by H.E. Sirpa Mäenpää, Finnish Ambassador to Ethiopia, paid official visit to Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia on 6th and 7th of April 2016.

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World Water Day was marked

Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity in collaboration with water sector actors marked World Water Day on 22nd of March 2016 in Addis Ababa. The event, which was celebrated with the theme ‘Water and Jobs’, aimed at facilitating discussion and action towards safe water provision and job creation.

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2016 International Women’s Day was marked

Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity in collaboration with stakeholders which includes COWASH have marked the International Women’s Day, which is commonly called March 8, on March 8, 2016 in Addis Ababa. The annual event which has been observed for the 40th round in Ethiopia was celebrated with the national theme, ‘promoting good governance to ensure equality and inclusion for women.’

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COWASH Organized CR-WSP training

Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH), in collaboration with Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE); and World Health Organization (WHO), organized and conducted Climate Resilient Water Safety Planning (CR-WSP) Training from 23-27 November 2015 in Bishoftu city of Oromia Region.

Building the capacity of the participants in CR-WSP was the general objective of this training which was able to bring together more than 30 people from different WASH sector bureaus in the five COWASH regions.

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Pedagogical Skills Training Conducted

Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) organized a training and facilitation skills trainers’ training for the  federal and regional COWASH specialists from 9-13 November 2015 in Hawassa, the capital city of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR).  

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