CMP news archive

Stories from the field, partners and media about CMP implementation and scaling-up.

COWASH has extended already to 71 woredas in Ethiopia

COWASH is expanding rapidly. In three and half years COWASH has extended from 27 woredas in Amhara to 71 woredas in 5 major regions of Ethiopia. Se the map here

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Minister for International Development of Finland visited Ethiopia

A Finnish delegation led by H.E. Ms Sirpa Paatero, the Minister for International Development of Finland, visited Ethiopia from 7 to 10 January 2015 with the objective to learn about the results achieved in the Finland-Ethiopia bilateral development cooperation projects and to discuss about developments in Ethiopia.

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CMP Implementation Guideline for OWNP finalized

In line with WIF and OWNP the strategy for rural water supply and sanitation intervention deploys four implementation arrangements of which Community Managed Program (CMP) is one of the key modalities. Accordingly, Community Managed Program has been included in WIF, OWNP and Program Operational Manual (POM). However the detail guidelines of the CMP have not yet been included in the POM.

Consequently, the detailed final draft guideline of the implementation of Community Managed Program in One WASH National Program has been prepared by MoWIE with assistance from COWASH, UNICEF and SNV.

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COWASH Profile

Short COWASH Profile was prepared at the end of December 2014 in connection with the visit of H.E Ms Sirpa Paatero, the Minister for Development Cooperation of Finland. Ms Sirpa Paatero visited Amhara Region on Jan 9, 2015. Other relevant documents prepared for the visit can be found at this web page sheet of Library/case studies.




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Training Impact Assessment Consultancy


Ramboll Finland is providing Technical Assistance Services in the 5 years (2011-2016) Government of Finland supported Community-Led Accelerated WaSH Project (COWASH) in Ethiopia ( The company is currently looking for a local consultant/research organizations to carry out TRAINING IMPACT ASSESSMENT in COWASH during February – March 2015.

The TOR and request for proposal can be found on the web site: Bidders are advised to strictly read the TOR and follow the instructions in the request for proposal. The proposed professionals shall have at least 10 years relevant working experience in the areas of capacity building (training) and/or research in rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene or other related field. The tenders are to be submitted by hand or by courier. Tenders will be opened on Tuesday, February 03, 2015 at 04:00 PM local time in The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Block A, office number 115 in the presence of bidders or their legal representatives.

Enquiries can be addressed to and copy to

Tender documents can be found here:







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CMP Management Training for new Woredas in Oromia Region

The Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) supported Community Managed Project (CMP) approach is set to be implemented in four new woredas of Oromia region; namely Horo and Abay Choman woredas of Horo Guduru Wollega zone, Dire Incini of West Shao zone, and Kersa Malima of South West Shao zone. With an objective to facilitate and support the implementation of the CMP approach, COWASH Federal TA team conducted a capacity building training from 28th of December 2014 to 2nd of January 2015 in Ambo, seat of West Shao Zone Administration, Oromia.



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CMP Management Training in Benishangul Gumuz

Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) Federal TA Team has conducted the Community Managed Project (CMP) approach training for four employed RSU staff, bureau staff, woredas (districts) and two zones of Benishangul Gumuz (BG) region from 15th to 20th December 2014 in Assosa, the capital city of the regional state. The training event was also a launching workshop in which each district and zone was represented by heads and experts from all concerned offices. Raising awareness about CMP and its implementation procedures was the major objective of the training.  

Please read the whole article here:




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CMP Implementation Manual Using Public Finance Management System

A meeting in MoWIE was organized on December 17, 2014 in COWASH office to discuss the CMP Implementation Manual using public finance management system. This manual will facilitate the CMP implementation in Consolidated WASH Account WASH implementation.

The meeting was chaired H.E. Ato Kebede Gerba, State Minister of MoWIE. Other participants were Ato Nuredin Mohammed, Director of Water Supply and Sanitation Directorate (MoWIE), Ato Tamene Hailu, Rural Water Supply Coordinator (MoWIE), Ato Gezahegn Alemu, Water and Agricultural Growth Advisor (Embassy of Finland), Getachew Hailemichael, WASH Specialist (UNICEF), Ato Bruck Aregai, WASH Coordinator (SNV), Mr. Arto Suominen, CTA (COWASH) and Ato Eyob Defere, Consultant.

The meeting approved the manual with some minor modifications and once the manual is modified as per the meeting decisions MoWIE will submit it for MoFED approval to be used in WASH implementation through Consolidated WASH Account.

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Water and Women in Ethiopia

Women and Youth Affairs Director Lakech Haile wrote a short information sheet of gender mainstreaming in Ethiopia's water sector. COWASH assisted her to complete this paper and to publish it on the web-page of Gender, Water and Development Conference held in November 2014 in South Africa. It is the honor of COWASH to publish the same article also at this CMP web-site.

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Capacity Building Training Held

COWASH Regional Support Unit (RSU) staffs participated in the in the Resources Mobilization and project management training which was organized from 3-28 November 2014 in Addis Ababa. It was a training that aims to enhance the understandings of the participants on resource mobilization, proposal writing, project planning and management, institutional Development and Organizational Strengthening. 

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